Donate Online

Sparc is a not-for-profit organization, which relies on the generous donations of our community, friends and family. If you would like to contribute to Sparc, you can send your donation by mail, phone or online via credit card.

Sparc is a not-for-profit organization, which relies on the generous donations of our community, friends and family. If you would like to contribute to Sparc, you can send your donation by mail, phone or online via credit card. We accept donations of items to be used in our group homes and other programs. All donations are appreciated, no matter how small, and we are grateful for the support in continuing our programs.

Sparc has also partnered with AmazonSmile. Shopping through AmazonSmile gives shoppers the opportunity for Amazon to donate a portion of their purchase price back to Sparc. AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Sparc every time you shop, at no cost to you.

To submit an online donation, use our secure checkout form below.


Join us in our mission.

Sparc relies on the generous donations and contributions of our community, friends, and family. Your charitable gift helps those in need.

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