Thank You

On behalf of the people supported by Sparc, we thank you for your generous donation.

We would like to give you a tour so that you can meet some of our staff and more than 100 people supported by Sparc. One or two of the folks may even show you what they are able to accomplish while they are at work.

Denise Schainker, our Development Director is always available to set up a "Come See" Tour for you or answer any questions you may have. Don't hesitate to call her at 217-793-2100 Ext 145 or email

Your generosity enables us to direct our resources towards our programs and the folk's we support, as we continue to do all we can to further our mission which is to enrich those with intellectual and developmental disabilities by enabling them to successfully live, learn, work and socialize in the community.

Again, thank you for your support. You are a part of their lives too.

You will receive an email receipt shortly and a formal acknowledgement will be mailed to the address on file.

Join us in our mission.

Sparc relies on the generous donations and contributions of our community, friends, and family. Your charitable gift helps those in need.

Make a Donation